Kelson Martins

Kelson Martins

Software engineer. Geek. Traveller. Wannabe athlete. Lifelong student. Works at IBM and hosts the @HardcodeCast.




Binary Search Algorithms with Examples

Posted on June 7th, 2022.

Introduction In recent days, I have been refreshing my knowledge by having some fun solving problems in leetcode and this post marks the start of a series of posts related to general algorithmic challenges I may encounter and find interesting to share. This article presents details about three leetcode algorithm problems that were...



Configuring Openshift Identity Providers

Posted on February 6th, 2022.

Introduction One feature that Openshift provides on top of Kubernetes is the ability to configure a series of Identity Providers for authentication against the API. For that, Openshift master includes a built-in OAuth server that can be configured right after the cluster installation. That being said, after providing an article about...



Creating Openshift Project Templates

Posted on January 16th, 2022.

Over the past few years, I have been diving deep into the world of Kubernetes, wearing both the Application Developer and Administrator hats while handling a series of Kubernetes and RedHat Openshifts clusters. Based on this experience, this post marks the first of a series of Kubernetes related content that aims to provide useful...



Introducing [Go]modoro. A CLI tool written in golang for Pomodoro tracking

Posted on July 11th, 2021.

  A few years ago, I had a great time reading Cal Newport’s book entitled “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World”. The book emphasizes the importance of having focused and uninterrupted work and how this is key to achieve significant results in whatever tasks we put ourselves to perform. As a...



Controlling Python cron jobs with PID on Linux

Posted on May 30th, 2021.

Recently while working with scheduled python scripts in cron jobs, an interesting requirement turned up: ensuring that the previous scheduled execution had finished prior to allowing the next cron job to run. This post aims to present one feasible solution for such a requirement, which I believe deserves a post. Assume you have a...


System Administration

Linux Jobs command – The Basics

Posted on May 9th, 2021.

  We can consider every command in Linux as a job that is executed. We execute most of the ordinary jobs quite fast, where the user does not need to wait long periods to regain control of the shell. However, some jobs may require longer periods of execution. These may include moving long folders, script execution and others. Saying...



Moving Elasticsearch indexes with elasticdump

Posted on March 21st, 2021.

Introduction Recently, I had a requirement to migrate data between Elasticsearch clusters while building a new ELK stack. There are a few tools that can get the job done, including the input-elasticsearch Logstash plugin, Elasticsearch reindex API and elasticdump. On my journey of evaluating new tools, I experimented with elasticdump and...



Introduction to Rally for Elasticsearch benchmarking

Posted on March 14th, 2021.

Summary Anyone that manages Elasticsearch clusters must be aware at all times of the health of the cluster, being through the use of monitoring tools such as ElasticserachHQ, X-Pack or even through simple RESTAPI calls scripts. Monitoring is extremely important, but there is one point as important as monitoring, which is knowing the...



Boolean Satisfiability Problem Checker

Posted on March 8th, 2021.

Introduction Recently I have worked with Boolean Satisfiability Problems and techniques to solve them efficiently. I found the topic extremely interesting, so I produced this article as the first of a series on how to solve SAT problems with a few different meta-heuristic techniques. All SAT solver algorithms have something in common:...



Working with the Logstash translate plugin

Posted on March 3rd, 2021.

  When working with Logstash, chances are you will someday require transforming/replace data before sending it to its last destination. That being said, this post aims to present the translate-plugin, which is a general search and replace tool that uses a configured hash and/or file to determine replacement values. Scenario –...